Sign-Up Now for our 1st Annual Poker Run!
Sign-Up Now for our 1st Annual Poker Run!
Creating a vision board is an important part of recovery, as it allows us to focus on future goals and dreams. It provides a fun and creative way to reflect on what motivates you to continue moving forward in your journey. With the help of supportive friends and family, a vision board can be an enjoyable activity that encourages positive thinking. It is a powerful way to stay connected with yourself and your future self, while inspiring you to take the necessary steps on the path to success. With vision boards, you can envision your life in the future and make concrete goals that are realistic and achievable. Through this process, you will be able to gain clarity and perspective on how you want your future to look, as well as recognize any obstacles you may face along the way. With focus, determination, and support, your vision board can help guide you towards the life you have always wanted.
April 30, 2023
Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens.
What are the 7 Pillars of Mindfulness
The following seven pillars of mindfulness, written by Jon Kabat-Zin, bring to light the principles that you can use and practice to achieve balance in your own life and even maintain the progress you’ve made in your recovery from addiction or a mental health disorder.
1. Non-Judging - Don’t be so hard on yourself or others who have perhaps relapsed or have different ways of coping.
2. Patience - When it comes to recovery, we would all love to wave a magic wand and make everything better. But the reality is recovery takes time. Be patient with it and trust the process.
3. Beginner's Mind - The beginner’s mind reminds us of this simplicity. The focus here is to not let your experiences become filtered by what you believe you already know.
4. Trust - Trust that you’re on the right path and that you’ve made the right decision to get your life back on track.
5. Non-Striving - Many of our mental health disorders including depression and anxiety may stem from negative feelings about ourselves. Embracing who you are can be a step in our recovery.
6. Acceptance - Don’t be clouded by your biases. Instead, you should learn to see the facts within our world and accept them as they are.
7. Letting Go - This can come in the form of letting go of past mistakes you’ve made, anger towards those in your life, and trauma in your past.
These pillars of mindfulness were created to help people find peace within themselves. Following these practices can help you live a more balanced, healthy life and maintain the progress you’ve made in your recovery.
April 16, 2023
By engaging in a regular self-assessment, you will be able to recognize any changes or trends in your emotional and mental health that need attention and make necessary adjustments in order to maintain a balanced lifestyle.
Take the time to identify areas of self-care where you may need additional support, and create plans for achieving better outcomes. Self-assessments are an important part of the recovery process and can provide the information needed to take steps towards making positive changes and improving overall wellness.
Understanding your values and how they are linked to recovery and wellness can be an important part of the journey. Through self-reflection, you can identify which aspects of life are most important to you, such as family relationships, a career, health, or spirituality. With this greater understanding of your values, you can find focus and direction in achieving a healthy, meaningful life.
By discovering which values are most important to you, you can create a more meaningful life for yourself and be better equipped to tackle challenges along the way. Taking the time to learn about yourself and your values is an integral part of the recovery and wellness process.
If you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed with your current situation, considering your values can provide valuable insight into what matters most to you. It can also give you a renewed sense of purpose, helping to guide and motivate you in your journey towards long-term recovery.
May 14, 2023
Self-acceptance is unconditional—you can recognize weaknesses, but still fully accept yourself. To be self-accepting is to feel satisfied with who you are, despite flaws and regardless of past choices.
One of our clients at Changing Lanes Recovery painted the picture to the left and shared that "when you surround yourself with self-love and you accept yourself for who you are, it is then possible to rain love down on everyone in the world."
What does it mean to have Unconditional Self-Acceptance?
I accept myself because I’m alive and have the capacity to enjoy my existence. I am not my behavior. I can rate my traits and my behavior, but it is impossible to rate something as complex as my ‘self.’ My self consists of innumerable traits, not just this one. I strive for achievement only to enhance the enjoyment of my existence, not to prove my worth. Failing at any task cannot make me a failure.
I can choose to accept myself even if am unwilling or unable to change my ‘character defects’ because there is no law of the universe that says I can’t. My approval of myself cannot come from pandering to any external source or bowing to any external authority. My self-acceptance can only come from me, and I am free to choose it at any time.
— Nick RajacicI
April 23, 2023
During our first group outing at Changing Lanes Recovery, we discussed the importance of service work and how our bodies release specific hormones when we participate in acts of service.
Oxytocin is a hormone that is typically linked to "warm, fuzzy feelings" and has shown in research to lower stress and anxiety. Oxytocin has the ability to regulate emotional responses and prosocial behaviors, including trust, empathy, positive memories, processing of bonding cues, and positive communication.
There are multiple ways we can get oxytocin. One way is through physical contact, which is why hugging feels amazing. Another way is through acts of human generosity. Acts of human generosity are defined as giving your time and energy and expecting nothing in return. Oxytocin also inhibits addiction, it is very hard to get addicted to something while you have lots of oxytocin in your system.
After our group discussing these concepts and their effects on recovery, with the help of Homeless MATters Arizona we went out in the community and passed out socks and compassion bags to our homeless population here in Tucson.
April 9, 2023
Self-care is an essential part of long-term recovery. Going out into nature provides the perfect opportunity to clear your mind, connect with other people around you, and create new memories. Connecting with nature and peers can help strengthen your support system while taking time away from the worries of everyday life. Engaging in outdoor activities allows us to form deeper connections, create new relationships, and have fun. Spending time outdoors is a great way to practice self-care and enhance your overall wellbeing. With the right support system in place, you can work towards long-term recovery with confidence. Don't be afraid to get out there and explore the world around you!
May 7, 2023
During today’s group session we came together to explore the boundless wonders of the cosmos while embarking on a path of anger management and emotional well-being. This unique activity combines the awe-inspiring beauty of the planetarium with the power of mindfulness practices.
Through the captivating visuals of the planetarium, we immersed ourselves in the vastness of space, galaxies, and stars. As we observed the celestial dance of the cosmos, we also learned to observe our thoughts and emotions without judgment, cultivating mindfulness in the present moment.
During today’s activity, we encouraged one another to let go of pent-up anger and stress, finding solace in the cosmic expanse above us. We took time to appreciate the intricate connections that bind us to the universe, and through this, found gratitude for the gift of life itself. As we explored the mysteries of the cosmos, we were reminded of our place in the grand tapestry of existence, fostering a sense of interconnectedness and belonging.
Today we learned, grew, and healed together, using the wonders of the universe to guide us towards a calmer mind, a fuller heart, and a deeper appreciation for the beauty that surrounds us every day. Today’s journey into the stars helped us to find serenity within ourselves.
August 20, 2023
Using positive affirmations can be an effective way to support recovery and overall wellness. Positive affirmations are statements that focus on the present moment, allowing you to take back control of your thoughts and feelings. Making a conscious effort to think positively can have a powerful effect on your mental health – it can reduce anxiety, depression, stress, and other negative emotions. Writing down positive affirmations and repeating them to yourself throughout the day can help you reframe your thinking, replacing negative self-talk with uplifting messages. This simple practice can be incredibly powerful in helping you develop a more positive outlook on life and create a healthier lifestyle. Start today by creating some positive affirmations that work for you and your goals and watch your mental wellness improve.
The recovery golf activity provided a unique opportunity for clients to practice the use of positive affirmations in order to navigate stressful situations. By setting up barriers throughout each hole, clients were challenged to think through their thought processes and apply positive affirmations to encourage themselves and remain focused on their goals.
This activity aimed at helping clients become more mindful of their thoughts and behaviors. The recovery golf activity was an excellent way for clients to learn more about themselves and gain experience with problem-solving techniques that could be used in their everyday life. Through the use of positive affirmations and self-reflection, clients were able to gain insight into how they could better manage stress and reach their recovery goals. This activity was designed to help promote a greater sense of wellbeing and restore hope for a brighter future.
May 21, 2023
Changing Lanes Recovery
6425 East Broadway Boulevard, Tucson, Arizona 85710, United States
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